
Monday 17 March 2014

Another Wonderful Speaker

On Thursday,March 20th we will have our second speaker of our 2014 speaker series. He is David Jewell, a local gardener from Lindsay. David will share with us:"A History of Gardening in Canada."

To learn more about David and his gardens,visit our website and look under the Events menu. Click on or touch(if you have a tablet) David Jewell. Doing this will connect you directly to his website

Dogs are one of his true passions,besides his treasure trove of cultivars and seedling beds.He has a wonderful sense of humour which you can tell by some of his plant names: The Lorax, There`s Something About Lucy, and many more.

Please join us this Thursday for engaging conversations with fellow gardeners, as well as an inspiring bit of learning about our gardening history and of course many laughs.Looking forward to seeing you all there.