
Sunday 20 July 2014

52nd Annual Flower-Vegetable Show and Summer Tea

The Bobcaygeon & District Horticulture Society opens its door to the community and to summer visitors for their 52nd Annual Flower/Vegetable Show and Summer Tea on Wednesday, August 6th from 1:00 -4:00 P.M. at Knox Presbyterian Church Hall, Joseph Street, Bobcaygeon,ON

The members have been busy with their gardening and now is the time to share their beautiful flowers/vegetables with their friends and the community.

The Flower Show includes cuts flowers-perennials and annuals, houseplants, hosta and grasses, vegetables, unusual specimens and floral designs. The objectives of the show are to educate, stimulate interest in horticulture, provide a venue for creative expression, and encourage community participation.The show is a judged event with a qualified and experienced judge.The committee develops a schedule and makes every effort to conform to Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards(OJES)for Horticulture and Floral Design, 2003.Copies of this publication can be purchased from the Ontario Horticultural Association(OHA)for $6.00 (through the on-line order form) by going to the OHA website:

This year our Flower Design is “Four Seasons Celebrations” including a “Victoria Day Fireworks”, “Canada Day”, “Thanksgiving Day” “Valentine Day” and a class for the novice exhibitor

The exhibitors bring the best their garden offers.Specimen exhibits are named if possible. One secret to success is picking your flowers in time to let them harden.The goal is to absorb water after cutting and thus have fresher, longer lasting specimens or arrangements.The best time to cut your flowers and foliage is in the cool of the day –either early morning when dew is still present or late in the day after dew has formed.
Winning exhibitors are recognized for Best Cultivar, Best Houseplant, Best Roses, Best Hydrangea, and Best Vegetable Exhibit.

Members are always happy to answer your questions about the exhibits. After viewing the show enjoy tasty scones and a cup of tea served by ladies wearing beautiful hats.These ladies do an amazing job of creating an environment reminding us of the afternoon teas of years gone by.What a great way to end the afternoon relaxing with friends and fellow gardeners.

Thank you to Margaret McIsaac for contributing this blog to our website.

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